2023 Town Meeting Legislative Update for Orange-2
Thank you Bradford, Fairlee, and West Fairlee for letting me share a few legislative updates at meetings over the last two weeks! For anyone who couldn’t make it or wasn’t able to pick up one of my reports, here’s a quick recap.
You can check my personal legislative website here for updates: https://priestleyvt.com (and @priestleyvermont on FB/Insta)
Here’s my 2023 Legislative Town Meeting Report which showcases some of the bills that are traveling through all of the House committees: https://priestleyvt.com/…/2023-mpriestley-townreport.pdf
Here is the Freedom & Unity: A Graphic Guide to Civics & Democracy in Vermont graphic booklet that the SOS and Center for Cartoon Studies created in case you missed it: https://www.cartoonstudies.org/…/carto…/freedomandunity/
I hold office hours on the third Sunday of every month. 12-1pm is in person at Colatina Exit. 5-6pm is on Zoom (register on my website for Zoom details). I am also happy to coordinate times to meet with folks and attend meetings if I’m available.
I shared that I was assigned to the House Committee on Commerce & Economic Development. I am also clerk of that committee. We cover consumer protection, workforce development, economic and community development, career & technical education, banking & finance regulations, as well as business-related insurance (e.g. captive, unemployment). You can keep up with our committee here: https://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/detail/2024/11
I also shared that I am the clerk of the Rural Caucus. There are roughly 50 legislative members and 150 public members who attend our meetings. You can attend in-person or via Zoom on Thursday mornings 8-9am. To receive meeting information, sign up at the bottom of the homepage: https://www.vtruralcaucus.com (I attended this caucus for several years as an individual before joining the legislature and have always found it helpful.)
In addition to clerking my committee and the Rural caucus, I was elected by both the House and Senate as a legislative trustee on the UVM Board of Directors. I also do all of the digital graphics for the House Dems Communication team which helps me keep up with the larger bills before we take them up on the floor.
I have had several students and adults visit for full and partial days to shadow me in the State House. It’s fun for me to introduce people to the building so please don’t hesitate if you’d like to come over. Setting up a day/time via email is best as I can give you a better idea of what my day would look like.
Please feel free to reach out to me via email at mpriestley@leg.state.vt.us with any event invitations, questions, and/or concerns.
Thank you!
Monique Priestley, State Rep. Orange-2